Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ready with the deadly spear !!!

Friends, do you know that the female mosquito is the most dangerous insect ? Have you ever seen her at close quarters ? You can see the head and the proboscis of the mosquito here as a macro shot. The head consists of two compound eyes (compounded with thousands of small lenses) and the proboscis with which it punches the skin. And she looks really beautiful with a golden attire and colourful limbs. Is it true that beauty and danger co-exist ?

To know more about the danger you can look here !!

To know more about the compound eyes of insects you can see here !!

Friends, Avoid being bitten by a mosquito and have a great Sunday !!!


KANIVEL said...

Mosquitos are looking really scary in macros.

Prasul S said...

Great Macro shots :)

Madhusudhan M said...

Looks really threatening!! Can be used to create awareness about Dengue/Malaria.