Saturday, April 2, 2011

Colourful jezebel

Yesterday I read a small Tamil poem in a weekly. I liked it. The rough translation goes like this !!!
A teacher has many questions for the child.
"What is the reminder if you divide twenty by three ?
"What do you get if you subtract six from thirty one ?" and so on.
But the child has one question for the teacher !!
"Who has given colours to the butterfly ?

Do you like it ? lol. Have a great weekend and spend some time to appreciate nature. Walk in the jungle !!!

A common jezebel (Delias eucharis) enjoying its time and space !!!
Click on the picture to see it large !!!


KANIVEL said...

SO colourful and lovely! No teacher knows the answer to the child's question.

Madhusudhan M said...

Simply beautiful. Nature is innately inspiring and calming.