Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ready with the deadly spear !!!

Friends, do you know that the female mosquito is the most dangerous insect ? Have you ever seen her at close quarters ? You can see the head and the proboscis of the mosquito here as a macro shot. The head consists of two compound eyes (compounded with thousands of small lenses) and the proboscis with which it punches the skin. And she looks really beautiful with a golden attire and colourful limbs. Is it true that beauty and danger co-exist ?

To know more about the danger you can look here !!

To know more about the compound eyes of insects you can see here !!

Friends, Avoid being bitten by a mosquito and have a great Sunday !!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Orange lynx spider

I saw this beauty in my garden !!! It's a lynx spider. They don't build a web but simply stay in bushes and plants and hunt small bugs.
I shot this with a reversed Tokina 24mm  prime lens mounted on a Nikon D50.
Have a great day, friends !!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Colourful jezebel

Yesterday I read a small Tamil poem in a weekly. I liked it. The rough translation goes like this !!!
A teacher has many questions for the child.
"What is the reminder if you divide twenty by three ?
"What do you get if you subtract six from thirty one ?" and so on.
But the child has one question for the teacher !!
"Who has given colours to the butterfly ?

Do you like it ? lol. Have a great weekend and spend some time to appreciate nature. Walk in the jungle !!!

A common jezebel (Delias eucharis) enjoying its time and space !!!
Click on the picture to see it large !!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rameshwaram temple - an engineering marvel !!!

Have you ever visited Rameshwaram, one of the holy cities of India ? If you go there you will simply be bowled off by the majestic corridors in the temple. It is every photographer's dream to capture this beauty !!! Last year I got an opportunity to visit Rameshwaram.

The main attraction of the huge temple in Rameshwaram is the long corridors with pillars around the temple on four sides, and the longest side measures 690 feet. It is known to be the world's longest corridor. It was built by Muthu Ramalinga Sethupathy in 18th century.

Have you decided to visit Rameshwaram ? Yes, it's a must see at least once in your life !!!
Cheers !! Have a great day !!!

Jumping spider (Salticidae)

Have you ever seen a jumping spider at close quarters? Do you know it has eight eyes arranged around the head ? You can see one here !! Spider is my most favorite insect !!
These jumping spiders are very cute and curious !! When you approach them to shoot many of them just stay back and watch your camera curiously and you will feel like you are playing with a little child. The two big front eyes are the main attraction of this cute guy !!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hello, everybody !!!

Hi friends,
I am Ezhil Ramalingam, a retired banker and a passionate photographer. I love to travel. Just created this blog to showcase my thoughts and images.Of late I am specializing in macro photography and I want to start my first posting with a drop refraction shot.

Here you see tiny water droplets (around 2mm in dia) formed on grass blades. What you see in the background is a yellow marigold flower. And this is refracted in each of the drops !!!
Hope you like it !!
See you again with new images.
Have a good day !!!